The Spatial Property System of the Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastral Works (MEGSIS) is available to upload cadastral details to the Internet. Stakeholders (agencies, institutions and municipalities) will now have access to these details by means of charting services at international standards. Thanks to MEGSIS, investors will have access to soil and zoning details of the potential land under consideration for investment.
MEGSIS system used by the Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastral Works is intended to upload cadastral details to Internet so that stakeholders (agencies, institutions and municipalities) will now have access to these details by means of charting (map) services at international standards. Thanks to MEGSIS, investors will have access to soil and zoning details of the potential land contemplated for investment.
MEGSIS is available to upload cadastral details online for the access and use of investors. Thanks to this system it will now be possible to access soil and zoning details of land considered for potential investment.
MEGSIS uploads the land registry details and makes available cadastral parcel information for the use of investors. With this system data relating to zoning plans will be uploaded online so that any person or investor looking for land will have access to such information.
MEGSIS is an open source application that is available to citizens through the e-State pathway. Services available through MEGSIS will be grouped into four main headings: Web-based application software, Mapping Services at International Standards, E-State Services and Ortophotography Services.
If, for example, a businessperson wishes to purchase land for a potential factory, then the details regarding soil as well as extensive zoning notes are available as soon as the system is activated. These zoning notes will feature information about green areas and commercial spaces, as well as the proximity of the real estate to arteries, or the extent of densely built housing in the region.
Ministry officials have announced that preparatory work by the Cadastre Office is underway and that the system will be available by 2015. The first phase was given the go-ahead in August 2011, and the plan is to develop and reinforce the cadastral automation infrastructure by February 2013. With the aim of strengthening the MEGSIS project, approximately 50 million cadastral parcels were loaded into the system in the first stage. This data has been harmonized with the title deed data, and the cadastre directorates continue to improve, update and finalize their work. While the project is managed by a team from the Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastral Works, technological support is outsourced to a department from Turksat.
MEGSIS will incorporate the following: Mutual control of land registry and cadastral data, the collection of attribute information, and the integration and presentation of data in the coordinate system. It will also feature verification by means of air shots, as well as the enhancement of data quality by means of control inquiries. All of the data will therefore be current and fully updated.