In an article entitled ‘I am not trying to be a manager but a leader’, FU CEO Ertuğrul Bul has told Kariyer magazine about what has led to his successful career, and of how the recruitment of a diverse workforce can drive a company on to further success.
In the article Mr. Bul is quoted as saying
"there are differences between the time I began my career and the current Y generation. After my graduation from university, I really needed someone’s guidance. I think that our young friends are lucky in the respect that there are lots of sources they can consult. First of all I strongly advise them to do an internship. This training is akin to an engagement before marriage. They should first answer that question: “Do I love my job? Can I spend my life doing this type of work?” In addition, they should try to gain contacts and a range of experience. I would recommend that they try different jobs, be they minor or short term ones, during their academic studies. The type is not important but the experience is hugely beneficial".
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